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395 results found
How to make a request
You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, including NSS.
Appealing a decision made by the scheme
The SIBSS has put in place a clear process to allow any applicant to appeal a decision that they are unhappy with. Learn more.
Find out more about Acute Medication Service (AMS)
Find out more about AMS that supports the provision of pharmaceutical care services for acute episodes and any counselling and advice.
Good Practice Monthly Newsletter to GP Practices
Monthly guidance and information for GP Practices from Practitioner Services - see Details section below for any mid-month information.
PSD Records Scanning Destruction Process
We need to ensure any paper records scanned for GP practices are destroyed within current information governance guidelines and timeframes.
SIBSS Form G Application for Widows, Widowers, Civil and Long-term Partners to Receive Payments
Claim form for any regular payments due to widows(ers), long-term and civil partners under the terms of the Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme.
Get help with product delivery queries
Delivery queries or missing your delivery? Contact our Customer Service Team if you need any help or up-to-date information regarding your delivery.
SIBSS Guidance on Tax and Benefits Exemptions
Advice on what to do if problems arise around income tax for Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme payments. Note that payments are tax-free.
Service planning
The NHSS National Planning Board will oversee planning where there's a need for a national service. Discover more about this process.
Adjustments to paid claims
Adjust paid claims and query outstanding payments.