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246 results found
Find out more about our digital education programme for staff working in transfusion.
Building Components Series - Flooring (SHTM 61)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 61 and Appendix 1: provides specification and design guidance on building components for health buildings.
EIR - Level 1 Guidance v01
EIR - Level 1 Guidance v01
The British National Formulary (BNF) publication
British National Formulary (BNF) publications reflect current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines.
IRIC Adverse incident report form
Adverse incident and near miss report form ADV/REP/1
Section I - Oral Health Examination and Diagnosis
Section I - Oral Health Examination and Diagnosis
In-patient accommodation - supplement 1 - Isolation facilities in acute settings (SHPN 4 sup 1)
In-patient Accommodation: Options for Choice Supplement 1: Isolation Facilities in Acute Settings
Prior Approval
Prior Approval
Further Clarifications
Further Clarifications on items following Scottish Government and Dental Advisor discussions
NHS National Services Scotland – Facility time publishing requirements
Facility time publishing requirements based on the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.