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Order prescription stationery

Published on 25 April 2024

This guidance is to enable NHS Boards to place orders for prescription stationery.

If you are a pharmacy contractor and you need prescription forms, then please contact your NHS Board.

Timescales for orders

Please ensure orders are submitted by midday by an authorised NHS Board contact on the allocated date, or they will need to wait until the next fortnightly order date.

Access the prescription ordering dates here.

Prescription Pads

Prescription pads can be ordered for the different prescriber groups listed below from an authorised NHS board contact only.

If you require an order requisition form, please get in touch using the contact details below:


Phone: 01506 705101 or Gyle Square reception (01506 705100)

  • GP10 forms are for GP medical prescribers
  • GP10N forms are for nurse prescribers
  • GP10P forms are for independent pharmacy prescribers
  • GP10OP forms are for independent optometric prescribers
  • GP10NMP forms are for non-medical prescribers such as paramedics, podiatrists, radiographers and physiotherapists, dieticians and paramedics
  • GP10A forms are for doctors ordering stock order supplies from a pharmacy
  • CDRF controlled drug requisition forms are for prescribers ordering a stock of controlled drugs
  • PPCD forms are for private prescribers who write prescriptions for controlled drugs
  • HBP forms are for hospital-based prescribers
  • HBPA forms are for hospital-based prescribers working within drug addiction services.

Computer and non-personalised stationery

Below is a list of additional prescription forms which can be ordered.

For the prescription form types below, request a single order form:

  • GP10SS
  • GP10NSS
  • CP4/3
  • CPUS