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National Health Service Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Concordat

Published on 01 October 2016

From: Health Facilities Scotland

A joint partnership agreement setting out formal arrangements for fire safety between National Health Service Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue



This Concordat recognises the obligations imposed on the respective parties by virtue of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 as amended and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

As public service providers mandated to meet specific statutory obligations in the interests of public healthcare and fire safety respectively, each body is clearly committed to do so in the best interests of the population they serve. In that context, this Concordat aims to provide a model of public service co-operation and partnership that recognises the willingness of NHSS and SFRS to work together in order to achieve an acceptable standard of fire safety in NHSS owned and occupied premises, without prejudice to the individual statutory obligations and duties of the respective organisations.