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82 results found
Find out more about our digital education programme for staff working in transfusion.
Building Components Series - Flooring (SHTM 61)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 61 and Appendix 1: provides specification and design guidance on building components for health buildings.
Web and channel services
We understand web and can give you compliant, modern web sites and web apps fit for hosting evidence-based digital services.
The British National Formulary (BNF) publication
British National Formulary (BNF) publications reflect current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines.
View and download the NHSScotland Counter Fraud Strategy 2023-2026
View and download a PDF version of the Strategy
Referring a patient for treatment
Downloadable resources for streamlined patient care.
SIBSS Advisory Group Minutes and Actions
Detailed minutes from each meeting of the Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme Advisory Group that date back to 2017.
Celebrating International Women's Day - meet Eilidh McLaughlin
Eilidh talks about her career path, her pride in her team's pandemic response, and what International Women’s Day means to her.
GP Workforce Data Collection Guidance
Look up guidance on the GP Workforce Data Collection process.
Claim for commitment payments
Claim for commitment payments.