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111 results found
Diabetic eye screening (DES)
We commission and coordinate this screening programme for those with diabetes over the age of 12. Find out more about the service.
Adults with Incapacity Fees
Claim form for completion and submission in respect of the DES
Palliative & End of Life Care Claim
Claim form for completion and submission in respect of the DES
Surgical site infection
Surgical site infection details and documentation from ARHAI Scotland.
Screening Research Priorities
Discover more about the National Screening Oversight Board's annual research priorities.
Web and channel services
We understand web and can give you compliant, modern web sites and web apps fit for hosting evidence-based digital services.
Claim for providing palliative care
Claims can be made by GP practices for providing palliative and end of life care if they meet certain conditions.
Surgical Site Infection Surveillance Protocol and Resource Pack
Outlines the processes for national surveillance of surgical site infection (SSI) in Scotland.
Guidance, protocols and reports
Guidance and publications for ARHAI Scotland.
Report and action plan in response to Surgical Site Infection (SSI) exception
SBAR that can be used by NHS Boards for CDI exceptions