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16 results found
What is Screening Oversight and Assurance Scotland (SOAS)?
Discover who National Screening Oversight are and what we provide.
Find out more about our digital education programme for staff working in transfusion.
Building Components Series - Flooring (SHTM 61)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 61 and Appendix 1: provides specification and design guidance on building components for health buildings.
Down's syndrome screening laboratory
This lab provides screening for Down’s syndrome for pregnant women. Learn more about the nationally commissioned service.
Newborn hearing screening
We support the groups that monitor and evaluate the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme in Scotland. Find out more about it and our role.
Bowel screening
Learn about the commissioning process for bowel screening in Scotland, plus who gets the test and why it benefits the population.
Breast screening
We commission the Scottish Breast Screening Programme to help detect breast cancer early. Find out more.
Newborn blood spot screening
We support the national groups that monitor and evaluate the Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme in Scotland. All newborns can have the test.
Scottish Cervical Screening Programme
We provide national coordination for this screening programme, which is designed to reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. Learn more.
Web and channel services
We understand web and can give you compliant, modern web sites and web apps fit for hosting evidence-based digital services.