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Published on 11 November 2020

Keeping NHS Scotland moving

Each NHS Board across Scotland manages its own fleet of vehicles to carry out a variety of functions. This might be transporting items of laundry, medical equipment, or prepared meals. Each board must manage its own estate in terms of parking and travel to the site. NHS Scotland is committed to sustainable transport management.

Safe and compliant

NHS Scotland Boards follow the Transport Management and Car Parking guidance document.

Download the Transport Management and Car Parking guidance

This is a best practice document that each board should be implementing or working towards.

Planning for all our futures

A good travel plan can address transport problems from a new direction by managing demand for road and parking space. These plans provide detailed steps to help reduce the burden of traffic on local communities. This can lead to reduced impact on climate change and personal health.

NHS Scotland Boards are also working to increase the number of plug in points for electric vehicles at their sites.

Get in touch

To find out more about how transport services can help you, contact