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Primary Healthcare Premises (SHPN 36)

Published on 03 July 2006

From: Health Facilities Scotland

Scottish Health Planning Note 36 Parts 1, 2 and 3: provides advice on the design and specification requirements for Primary Healthcare Premises.



The guidance provides design teams with a set of minimum standards and can also be used by NHS Healthcare Bodies and Boards commissioning new or groups of premises for general medical practices, dental practices or comminity pharmacies.

  • Part 1: general medical practices
  • Part 2: dental premises
  • Part 3: community pharmacy premises

Care should be taken when referring to general NHSScotland and NHS Estates design guidance (e.g. SHPNS & HBNS) and technical guidance (e.g. SHTMS & HTMs) other than this SHPN 36 series, as generally these have been developed for use in the design of large healthcare buildings with inpatient facilities.

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