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38 results found
Safety Action Notice – SAN2304
SAN2304 - Clinical waste disposal bins and other waste containers manufactured from combustible materials: risk of fire
The British National Formulary (BNF) publication
British National Formulary (BNF) publications reflect current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines.
Find out more about our digital education programme for staff working in transfusion.
Building Components Series - Flooring (SHTM 61)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 61 and Appendix 1: provides specification and design guidance on building components for health buildings.
Literature Review and Practice Recommendations: Existing and emerging technologies used for decontamination of the healthcare environment. Wipes V2.0
The use of pre-prepared wipes for decontamination of the healthcare environment and reusable non-invasive patient care equipment.
Core guidance - Circulation and communication spaces (HBN 00-04)
Common activity spaces.
Web and channel services
We understand web and can give you compliant, modern web sites and web apps fit for hosting evidence-based digital services.
NSS Environmental and Sustainability Strategy 2022 to 2040
Our environmental and sustainability strategy provides a framework to help us meet our sustainability commitments and goals over an 18-year period.
NSS Environmental and Sustainability Strategy puts climate sustainability at the heart of everything we do
Hear from Chief Executive Mary Morgan about our environmental and sustainability strategy and how it helps us strive towards our sustainability goals.
Unite for safety, clean your hands
World Hand Hygiene Day is on 5 May 2022. Patients, visitors and healthcare workers alike have a role to play in preventing the spread of infection.