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299 results found
Orthodontic dental treatment - claim message types - Continuation and Transfer cases
Guidance for Orthodontic claim message types Continuation and Transfer cases
Early Re-examination Guidance
The Early Re-examination Guidance
Further Clarifications
Further Clarifications on items following Scottish Government and Dental Advisor discussions
Guidance on eye examination intervals
Find out the minimum intervals between eye exams and which early re-examination codes to use.
Regulation 9
Regulation 9 process and submission
NSS Code of Conduct
NSS Code of Conduct - May 2022
Book a delivery into the distribution centre
If you are on a national NHS framework you can book product deliveries into the National Distribution Centre. Learn how.
Recognising our commitment to making NHS Scotland environmentally sustainable
NHS National Services Scotland's (NSS's) ongoing commitment to supporting and enabling NHSScotland to become more environmentally sustainable.
Guide to supplementary reason codes
If you are carrying out a supplementary eye examination, you must enter one of these reason codes on your claim.
Section VIII Domiciliary Visit and Recalled Attendance
Section VIII Domiciliary Visit and Recalled Attendance