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82 results found
Healthcare Associated Infection compendium (HAI)
The HAI compendium contains links to current national policy and guidance on HAI.
Scottish Health Technologies Group
Learn more about the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and links to IRIC.
Find further support
Discover further resources and websites that may be able to help you or your family if you received infected blood.
Privacy Notice
Access to Privacy Notice
References and additional reading
NSS Three Year Delivery Plan and Scottish Government approval letter
Publication of our Three Year Delivery Plan as agreed with Scottish Government and approval letter
Information Message - IM/2021/002
IM/2021/002 - MHRA Device Expert Advisory Committee (DEAC): November minutes
HAI compendium
Find the HAI Compendium
Estates and Facilities Notices - EFA/2019/001
EFA/2019/001 - Portable fans in health and social care facilities: risk of cross infection
Diagnostic networks
Access a list of diagnostic networks in Scotland, which bring professionals together to improve diagnostic services across a range of disciplines.