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Forensic medium-secure care for patients with learning disabilities

Published on 23 June 2023

When receiving treatment, some adults with learning difficulties require a level of security. The forensic medium secure inpatient unit provides this rehabilitation service. It's located at Rowanbank Clinic in Glasgow. NHS boards pool funding nationally to run this service.

What is forensic care?

Forensic mental health care supports assessment and treatment of people with a mental disorder who pose a danger to others.

The Rowanbank Clinic provides medium secure therapeutic and recreational facilities within a fenced area. The service provides assessment, admission, continuing care, specialist treatment and rehabilitation. All this happens under medium security conditions. The facility can accommodate 12 patients with learning disabilities: 8 male and 4 female.

A National Coordinating Group meets twice per year. The group consists of consultant psychiatrists from across NHSScotland. The Group consider and decide on admission priority, basing conclusions on up-to-date clinical information about each patient.

Further information is available on the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde website.