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Guidance and Publications

Published on 03 June 2024

The Clinical Assurance programme provides clinical and infection prevention and control (IPC) expertise to the work undertaken by the NHSScotland’s Assure (NHSSA) Assurance service. This includes Key Stage Assurance Reviews (KSAR) which focus on ensuring infection prevention and control is a key consideration for healthcare construction projects.

There are five key stages within a construction project where a KSAR will be undertaken. The KSAR workbooks are used at each stage in the lifecycle.

  • Outline Business Case (OBC)
  • Full Business Case (FBC)
  • Construction
  • Commissioning and
  • Handover

The Clinical Assurance programme uses intelligence gathered from construction projects, KSAR reviews and built environment enquiries to develop resources to assist health boards during construction projects whether they are new builds or refurbishments.

Clinical wash hand basins

Clinical wash hand basins (CWHB) are found in all healthcare facilities for the purpose of hand washing only. However, these are often incorrectly used as a disposal route for patients wash water, beverages such as tea, coffee, sugary drinks, and medications. These normally harmless fluids can provide a food source for bacteria within the sink drain or taps.

The Clinical Assurance and NES team produced an educational animation regarding CWHBs, their intended purpose, water associated infection risks, and what we all can do together to reduce the risk. The animation is supported by a poster for use beside CWHBs to locally promote good practice for health and care staff as well as the general public who may visit those settings.

Notes for boards