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Notes for Boards: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Risks in the Design of a Critical Care Unit (CCU), Level 2 and 3 Care

Published on 01 May 2024

From: Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection Scotland

Summary of extant guidance relevant to design of a level 2 and 3 care facilities. Useful to IPC teams involved in design or refurb of facilities.



There is limited technical standards and guidance currently available to aid decision making in respect of optimal design considerations when planning to undertake a new build, adapt, extend, or undertake refurbishment within a Critical Care Unit (CCU) delivering level 2 and level 3 care.

This document aims to support NHS Scotland boards by providing them with a summarised set of questions and answers which will signpost them to any applicable technical guidance documents and summarise key considerations pertaining to:

  • functionality
  • layout
  • support spaces
  • maintenance access arrangements
  • water systems (including drainage)
  • ventilation systems

A list of all available guidance used within NHS Scotland for the design, construction and maintenance of healthcare settings (inclusive of ICUs) can be found here. The main documents required to answer the specific design questions listed will be summarised at the end of each question.