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About research, development and innovation

Published on 11 July 2024

The NHSScotland Assure research, development and innovation service is building a portfolio to support the development of evidence-based guidance and research. This provides NHSScotland access to clinical and technical expertise which supports a coordinated approach to the improvement of risk management, quality, practice and sustainability in the healthcare environment.

Our vision

The research, development & innovation service aims to develop and provide clear direction and methods for research. This will fill knowledge gaps and address priority needs and will have a greater impact in confronting issues and managing healthcare-built environment risk, both now and in the future. NHSScotland Assure aims to be:

  • a leader in producing and commissioning quality healthcare built environment research.
  • internationally recognised as experts in this field, encouraging and facilitating wider collaboration.

Our ultimate aim is to ensure that the healthcare-built environment is safe but also effective and person-centred.

Research portfolio

To make sure guidance and capital projects stay informed, NHSScotland Assure research will share best practice and changes to standards and models for the built environment. Our key objectives are identifying, prioritising and coordinating research areas and activities.

The service will also develop strong connections with built environment subject matter experts, healthcare providers, higher education and research institutions.

Find out more about our research portfolio.

Technical Literature Review overview

Find details about Technical Literature Reviews on the Technical literature reviews page.

Funded research opportunities

The service will commission, tender and share research worldwide whilst working alongside other NHSScotland Assure services to identify priority research needs to address known gaps in evidence and reduce risk in the built environment. It will also ensure that these services are aware of, and respond to, findings of published research as it becomes available.

This will not only help NHSScotland health boards increase their knowledge of managing risk in the built environment. It will also ensure Scotland's international recognition as an expert in the field.

The service is also working to build capacity in co-funded Postgraduate Research.

Evaluation of new innovation and technologies

The research, development and innovation service will seek to understand how new innovations can help mitigate risks and enhance safety in the healthcare-built environment. The service will work with colleagues in the wider NHS and external partners who are best placed to progress innovation on our behalf.

Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about research development and innovation.