Browse National Services Scotland
Research development and innovation
NHS Scotland Assure
Assure enquiries
Visit our enquiry page to get access to and find out more about NHS Scotland Assure services.
The Assurance service provides the tools to help health boards demonstrate compliance at key stages in healthcare built environment projects.
The NHS Scotland Assure Communications service facilitates the flow of information and engagement between key partners working across our services.
NHS Scotland Assure develops guidance and standards that ensure healthcare build projects are compliant and free from avoidable risk.
The Intelligence service uses analytics to provide a preventative approach to risk. We work with health boards to improve the quality of data.
Knowledge Management
NHS Scotland Assure enhances research, intelligence and learning, and supports evaluations, external communications and stakeholder management.
Provision of subject matter expertise
This service coordinates with subject matter experts (SME) to help health boards and regions deliver building projects based on identified needs.
Research development and innovation
This service identifies and prioritises healthcare built environment research in Scotland to inform evidence-based guidance and service improvements.
NHS Scotland Assure responds to incidents, alerts and issues in the healthcare built environment and mobilises a coordinated response across Scotland.
Workforce planning and development
This service supports the development of a highly skilled and integrated workforce with the knowledge and skills to improve safety.
All categories
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection
- Blood, tissues and cells
- Countering fraud
- Dental services
- Digital systems and security
- Health facilities
- Legal
- Medical services
- National programmes
- National Screening Oversight
- NHS Scotland Assure
- Ophthalmic services
- Patient exemptions
- Patient support schemes
- Pharmacy services
- Procurement and logistics
- Specialist healthcare