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29 results found
Safety Action Notice - SAN(SC)19/04
SAN(SC)19/04 - Risk of harm to babies and children from coin/button batteries in hearing aids and other hearing devices
Master indemnity register
Master indemnity agreement central register list.
Master indemnity agreement
Master indemnity agreement document to be completed by suppliers.
Join the Master Indemnity Agreement
Information for suppliers on joining the Master Indemnity Agreement.
Access the Master Indemnity Register
Check a supplier is registered on the Master Indemnity Agreement and has valid insurance.
Master indemnity agreement delivery note
Master indemnity agreement delivery note to be completed on receipt of goods.
How the Master Indemnity Agreement works
Information for suppliers and health boards on receiving or supplying goods via the Master Indemnity Agreement.
Information Message - IM/2020/029
IM/2020/029 - NHSScotland Master Indemnity Agreement
Standard form of indemnity
Standard form of indemnity to be completed by equipment suppliers.
Amend patient details for paid claims
Ensure that patient treatment histories for ophthalmic care are accurate and up-to-date.