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Current context, risks and challenges
Information about the current context, risks and challenges of countering fraud in NHSScotland.
News and updates
Sustainable procurement development - news and updates
Access Scottish Government circulars (PCA)
The latest Scottish Government Circulars (PCAs) publications
Access Scottish Government circulars (PCA) and other regulatory publications
Access PCAs relating to dentistry published by the Scottish Government.
Orthodontic dental treatment - claim message types - Continuation and Transfer cases
Guidance for Orthodontic claim message types Continuation and Transfer cases
Appointment of new board member
A warm welcome to Beth Lawton
How to register a new patient
Find guidance on registering new patients.
Regulation 9
Regulation 9 process and submission
Fire Safety Precautions and Engineering (SHTM 81)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 81 Parts 1, 2 and 3: Fire precautions for new premises, fire engineering and atria guidance.
GP17 forms and patient signatures
advice on using the GP17 forms and recording patient signatures