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Safety Action Notice - SAN(SC)19/04
SAN(SC)19/04 - Risk of harm to babies and children from coin/button batteries in hearing aids and other hearing devices
Find out more about Gluten Free Food Service (GFF)
Supporting a Community Pharmacy-led supply service for patients with a confirmed diagnosis of either Coeliac disease or Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
MHRA Device Safety Information – MDSI2110
MDSI2110 - Baihe Rheovalves disposable needle-free valves: stop using specific lots due to risk of breakage in patient
Safety Information Message – SIM2301
SIM2301 - NHS Scotland Master Indemnity Agreement: addition and removal of suppliers
MHRA Medical Device Safety Information – MDSI2308
MDSI2308 - Ethypharm Aurum pre-filled syringes are incompatible with some needle-free connectors: risk of delay of potentially lifesaving medication
Do I pay for optical examinations?
Find out what charges apply for optical examinations in Scotland.
Do I pay for dental examinations?
Find out what charges apply for dental examinations in Scotland.
What help can you get with NHS charges in Scotland?
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Help with NHS charges
You can quickly check if you're exempt from NHSScotland charges using an online tool.