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Manage and understand payment reports

Published on 01 July 2024

Understanding your payment reports

A dental monthly payment schedule consists of the following pre-defined reports. You will have access to 7 years (6 years plus the current financial year) of schedules. Those you cannot view historically are marked with an asterix *

It is advisable to save the report each month for future reference.

Remittance advice (GDS only)

This report details all of the list numbers at the practice that a schedule has been created for and the net payment due to each number for that schedule month.

Account 7 general payment (GDS only)

This monthly report details all payments on the account 7 page of your schedule showing payment of lines 1 through 50.

Details of Child and Adult registration payments, Item of Service, Allowances, Superannuation and Gross Pay can be viewed through this report for any given month.

This report also shows allowances that have been claimed and paid including Continuing Professional Development, Sickness Payment, Maternity Payment, Reimbursement of Rates, Seniority Payments and all other allowances that are claimable.

Account 7 commitment payment (GDS only)

This quarterly report details all personal commitment payments that have been paid for a specific quarter, superannuation to be paid on these payments are also detailed.

Additional payments and recoveries

This report details backdated payments for the increase of fees for Item of Service and Child and Adult registrations payments, as agreed by the Scottish Government. Also included are backdated payments for Point of Treatment checks, where evidence has not been produced.

Allowances and superannuation (GDS only)

This report details allowances paid on miscellaneous lines 7, 13 and 32, for example Rent Reimbursement and General Dental Practice Allowance, paid in the same month and all detailed as one payment on line 13 of the Account 7 Report.

The report also provides a breakdown of Superannuation payments, shown on lines 47 and 48.

Registration Payment Report

This report provides information on Child registrations payments, this is when patients aged under 18 years attend the dentist for the first time and are registered into the capitation arrangement whereby a fee per month is paid for each patient. The basic fee varies according to the age band into which the patient falls (see Section X of the Statement of Dental Remuneration).

It also provides information on Adult registrations payments. This is where fees per month is paid for each patient accepted into a capitation arrangement to patients aged 18 years or over, falling into two age bands: patients under 65 years of age and those over 65 (see Section XI of the Statement of Dental Remuneration).

Patient information report*

Running historical reports is not possible, so it is advisable to save this report for future reference.

This report details all patients with a change of registration, which includes:

  • Automatic transfers, where a patient registration has changed from Child to Adult registration
  • Reduced rate patients
  • When reduced payments are due to start
  • Patients transferred out-with or within the practice
  • Patients withdrawn from the dentists list.

If you wish to query any of the information provided, complete a dental 289 - schedule query form and submit it to us for investigation.

This report also details patient matching anomalies, where we have matched the patient on the claim to an existing patient in our system, but the details are slightly different. The information we have in our system is called the Master and the patient details on the claim form is the Linked details. To ensure no errors are made for registrations and Items of Service claimed, if any Master details are incorrect please complete a dental 287 - patient detail amendment form and we will action any amendments.

Item of service payments

This report provides an accumulative calculation of all Items of Service paid to a specific list number for the period selected. This is broken down, showing individual totals for:

  • Patient charges
  • Department for Work and Pensions remissions
  • Award amount paid (any uplift in fees that have been due)
  • Referrals claimed and paid
  • Deprivation items of service paid.

A link is provided within this report to show a full detailed report for all Item of Service payments for the period selected.

Item of service detail

This report provides details of all claims that have been paid in full, with no adjustments. This is shown in alphabetical order by patient surname and details the following for each claim:

  • Sum authorised
  • Patient charge
  • Department for Work and Pensions remission
  • Percentage award
  • Award amount
  • Referrals claimed
  • Referrals authorised
  • Deprivation item of service amount.

Item of service adjustments

This report details all adjustments to claims for any given payment month, this information details all claims where amount claimed and amount authorised are different.

Items of Service (IOS) that have been paid are shown along with IOS that have been removed due to SDR rules reasons provided for non-payment of these items.

For amendments to these claims for IOS removed submit a dental 283 - claim adjustment form stating the case id from this report. We must receive the adjustment request within 6 months of the payment date.

Registration summary

This report details level of Child and Adult registration patients registered to any specific list number for any specific date.

Information provided includes the number of patients that are currently being paid on reduced rates of payments due to not being seen within the last 3 years from registering to the practice.

Registration detail

This report details all registered patients on any specific list number at any given date. Information provided includes:

  • patient name
  • date of birth
  • postcode
  • registration start date and date patients are due to qualify for reduced payments.

We do not capture full patient addresses, only postcode.

Superannuation cumulative (GDS only)

This report details the total amount of superannuation brought forward from previous months payments. This is then broken down into the current charge for this month, the practitioners’ share and the total amount the NHS Board has contributed to superannuation for the period selected.

Guidance for online reports

The eSchedules payment reports guidance provides you with details on what is included in your reports and for certain reports, instructions on what to do if you have any queries.

The user guide helps you with logging on, running, navigating through and exporting your reports.