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Safety Information Message – SIM2302
SIM2302 - HSE Safety Notice EPD02-2023: liquid petroleum gas (LPG) forklift truck fire risk due to release of unburned LPG
NSS supports effort to supply critical healthcare items to India
Last week, NSS supported a four nations effort to supply critical healthcare items to India as the country continues to face challenges posed by COVID
Fire Safety - General Fire Precautions and Training (SHTM 83)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 83 and Part 2: covers a range of general fire safety measures which apply throughout hospital premises.
Case Outcome - Sick-pay fraudster
Information about Sickness Absence Fraud from March 2024 relation to Band 5 nurse NHS Forth Valley
Ultra-orphan medicines
Learn more about this scheme, which pools funds from all Scotland’s health boards for a number of approved medicines for very rare diseases.
Action plan launched to improve care for Scottish veterans
Scottish Veterans Care Network has collaborated to create a Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan as a blueprint for improved support and care.
Double win for NSS at Scottish Health Awards 2021
Lisa Walker and Nabeel Arshad were named winners of the Young Achiever Award and Unsung Hero Award respectively
Procurement fraud
Find out more about procurement fraud, how it works, how to recognise it and how to report it.
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021 – meet Dr Nicola Steedman
Dr Nicola Steedman talks about about the challenges she’s faced as a woman in her chosen field and how she’s overcome them.