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Book a delivery into the distribution centre
If you are on a national NHS framework you can book product deliveries into the National Distribution Centre. Learn how.
GUID 5013 - Requirements for compliant endoscope decontamination units (ARCHIVED)
This document is to specify the technical requirements for compliant Endoscope Decontamination Units (EDUs).
Safety Information Message – SIM2302
SIM2302 - HSE Safety Notice EPD02-2023: liquid petroleum gas (LPG) forklift truck fire risk due to release of unburned LPG
NHSScotland Requirements for Compliant Endoscope Decontamination Units (EDUs) (GUID 5013)
This document is to specify the technical requirements for compliant Endoscope Decontamination Units (EDUs).
Endoscope Decontamination Document System (EDDS) (PRO-179 series)
Documentation system covering decontamination policy document and procedures covering the management of flexible endoscope decontamination lifecycle
Decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and TOE ultrasound probes (SHTM 01-06)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 01-06 Parts A–E: decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and TOE ultrasound probes in EDUs
Regulation 9
Regulation 9 process and submission
Guide to the carriage of dangerous goods (GUID 5006)
This guidance has been produced to assist those involved with the transportation of used medical devices to Central Decontamination Units (CDU).
Recognising our commitment to making NHS Scotland environmentally sustainable
NHS National Services Scotland's (NSS's) ongoing commitment to supporting and enabling NHSScotland to become more environmentally sustainable.
Orthodontic dental treatment - claim message types - Continuation and Transfer cases
Guidance for Orthodontic claim message types Continuation and Transfer cases