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Board Committees

Our board is supported by four Committees.

The NSS Board meets at least quarterly and is supported by the following committees:

Audit and Risk Committee

Assists the Board in delivering its responsibilities by providing assurance that an appropriate system of internal control has been implemented and is operating effectively.

Clinical Governance Committee

Scrutinises all parts of our operation to ensure clinical governance mechanisms are in place and effective throughout our services.

Finance, Procurement and Performance Committee

Keeps the financial position of NSS under review and ensures arrangements are in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of all resources, and that they work effectively.

Staff Governance Committee

Supports and maintains an NSS culture where delivery of the highest possible standard of staff management is understood to be the responsibility of every employee. This is built upon through partnership and collaboration within the direction provided by the Staff Governance Standard.

The Remuneration Committee is a sub-Committee of the Staff Governance Committee and ensures the application and implementation of fair and equitable pay systems on behalf of the Board as determined by the Scottish Government.